
R15 RC Candidate Corey Grant


Hello Region 15,

As you’re now reading this we have moved from the Nomination to the Voting phase of the Regional Coordinator Election. In case any of you haven’t met me I’m Corey Grant and I’d like to be your next Regional Coordinator. I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you a bit about myself and what I’d like to do as your Regional Coordinator.

The about me part.

I’ve been a member of Starfleet for just about 30 years, and a fan of Star Trek it since before I knew there were other fans. During my 30 years, I’ve been a member of 4 different chapters. I’ve also started a chapter, the USS Darwin, so I understand firsthand the work involved in getting a chapter up and running. Beyond having been both a Commanding Officer and Executive Officer of a chapter, I’ve served as Recruitment Officer and I’m currently the Region 15 Treasurer.

In the working world I have spent most of my time in the IT sector. While working at a technical support desk my job was outsourced overseas and I took that chance to try something different. I went to school to become a pastry chef. After completing the Pastry Arts program at the Cambridge School of Culinary Arts I worked as a wedding cake decorator, managed a café, and ran my own cupcake and custom cake company, Wicked Little Cakes. Although I love baking I missed working with computers. I returned to school, first to Bunker Hill Community College for an Associates in Computer Forensics where I graduated second in my class. Just recently I completed my Bachelor’s degree from University of Massachusetts Boston in Information Technology with minors in both Digital Forensics and Network Administration.

What I’d like to do as your Regional Coordinator.

In the past year we’ve seen quite a bit of growth in the region, and I’d like to see that growth continue. To aid in further growth it’s my hope to expand the Recruiting department to include one or two people from each chapter. I think we all need to remember when we recruit it’s not just for one Chapter, or even just for our Region, new members are joining Starfleet as a whole.

I’d also like to see the regional newsletter return. The newsletter would let chapters inside the region see what each other is doing, possibly give each other ideas on chapter activities and maybe inspire those outside our region. A newsletter also gives us a history to look at and remind us of the fun and work we’ve done.

This year it’s most likely too late to do a weekend Regional Summit, but not to have a one-day event. It seemed that people were happy where we had the Summit at the VFW in North Easton. For now I think we should continue to use the VFW till we find a hotel or other venue where we can return to a weekend long event.

One of the things that our former Regional Coordinator Jerry did was to spread out the regional staff jobs. That’s something I intend to maintain. By spreading the jobs out amongst the different Chapters it helps people to see we’re all working together as a Region. This also avoids the sense that a single Chapter is running everything. Just as no Chapter is a single person, no Region is a single Chapter.

Each Chapter gets a vote in the Regional Coordinators election, I hope this brief glimpse of who I am and what I’d like to do will convince you to ask your Chapter’s Commanding Officer to cast that vote for me.

Thank You.

Corey Grant
Region 15 Treasurer
XO USS Darwin NCC-1166

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